Thiết Bị Đo Mức Chất Lỏng Model FKY-5, EDSX7-67g
Service: Liquid, gas, or vapour
Static pressure, span, and range limit:

Remark: To minimize environmental influence, span should be greater
than 1/40 of the max. span in most applications.
– Lower limit of static pressure (vacuum limit) ;
Silicone fill sensor: See Fig.1
Fluorinated fill sensor: 66kPa abs (500mmHg abs) at temperature below 60°C.
– The maximum span of each sensor can be converted to different units using factors as below.
Overrange limit: To maximum static pressure limit
Output signal: 4 to 20mA DC with digital signal superim-posed on the 4 to 20mA signal
Power supply: Transmitter operates on 10.5V to 45V DC at transmitter terminals.
10.5V to 32V DC for the units with optional arrester.
Load limitations: see fi gure below

Note: For communication with HHC(1) (Model: FXW), min. of 250Ω required.
Hazardous locations: See TABLE 2
Zero/span adjustment:
Zero and span are adjustable from the HHC(1). Zero and span are also adjustable externally from the adjustment screw.
Damping: Adjustable from HHC or local confi gurator unit with LCD display.
The time constant is adjustable between 0.06 to 32 seconds.
Zero elevation/suppression:
−100% to +100% of URL
Normal/reverse action:
Selectable from HHC(1)
Indication: Analog indicator or 5-digit LCD meter, as specified.
Burnout direction: Selectable from HHC(1)
If self-diagnostic detect transmitter failure, the analog signal will be driven to either “Output Hold”, “Output Overscale” or “Output Underscale” modes.
“Output Hold”:
Output signal is hold as the value just before failure happens.
“Output Overscale”:
Adjustable within the range 20.0mA to 22.5mA from HHC(1)
“Output Underscale”:
Adjustable within the range 3.2mA to 4.0mA from HHC(1)

Loop-check output:
Transmitter can be confi gured to provide
constant signal 3.8mA through 22.5mA
by HHC(1).
Temperature limit:
Ambient: −15 to +65°C
(−15 to +65°C for LCD indicator)
(−15 to +60°C for arrester option)
(−10 to +60°C for fl uorinated oil fi ll transmitter)
(−10 to +60°C for silicon oil “H”, “S”)
For explosionproof units (fl ameproof or intrinsic safety),
ambient temperature must be within the limits speci-
fied in each standard.

Low pressure side contact liquid temperature on transmitter of Code H, S, is 120°C or lower.
Storage:−40 to +70°C
Humidity limit: 0 to 100% RH
Communication: With HHC(1) (Model FXW, consult Data
Sheet No. EDS8-47), following items can be remotely displayed or confi gured.
Note: HHC’s version must be higher than 7.0
(or FXW 1– 4), for FCX -AIII.
Local configurator with LCD display (option):
Local configurator with 3 push button and LCD display can support following items.

Programmable output linearization function:
Output signal can be characterized with “14 points linear approximation function” from HHC(1)
EMC Conformity: EN61326-1: 2006 Œ
Physical specifications
Electrical connections:
G1/2, 1/2-14 NPT, Pg13.5, or M20 x 1.5 conduit, as specifi ed.
Process connections:
LP side: 1/4-18 NPT or Rc1/4.
HP side: ANSI, or JIS raised face fl ange.
See OUTLINE DIAGRAM for detailed dimensions.
Refer to “Code symbols”

Non-wetted parts material:
Electronics housing: Low copper die-cast aluminum alloy fi nished with polyseter coat ing(standard), or 316 stainless steel (ASTM CF8M), as specifi ed.
Bolts and nuts: Cr-Mo alloy (standard) or 304 stainless steel
Fill fluid: Silicone oil (standard) or fluori-nated oil
Mounting flange: 304 stainless steel or carbon steel, as specified.
Environmental protection:
IEC IP67 and NEMA 6 / 6P
Flange mounting: See drawings
Mass{weight}: Transmitter approximately 8.2 to 17.2kg without options.
Add; 0.8kg for indicator option
4.5kg for stainless steel housing option
1.0kg per 50mm extension of diaphragm
Optional features
Indicator: A plug-in analog indicator (2.5% accuracy).
An optional 5-digit LCD meter with engineering unit is also available.
Local configurator with LCD display:
An optional 5 digits LCD meter with 3 push buttons can support items as using communication with FXW.
Arrester: A built-in arrester protects the electronics from lightning surges.
Lightning surge immunity : 4kV (1.2 × 50µs).
Oxygen service: Special cleaning procedures are followed throughout the process to maintain all process wetted parts oil-free.
The fill fluid is fluorinated oil.
Chlorine service: Oil-free procedures as above. Includes fluorinated oil for fi ll.
Degreasing: Process-wetted parts are cleaned, but the fill fluid is standard silicone oil. Not for use on oxygen or chlorine measurement.
Vacuum service: Special silicone oil and fi lling procedure are applied.
See Fig.1
Optional tag plate:
An extra stainless steel tag with customer tag data is wired to the transmitter.
Coating of cell: Cell’s surface is fi nished with epoxy/polyurethane double coating.
Specify if environment is extremely corrosive.

Oval flanges: (Model FFP, refer to Data Sheet No. EDS6-128)
Converts process connection to 1/2-14
NPT or to Rc1/2; in carbon steel or in 316 stainless steel.
Hand held communicator:
(Model FXW, refer to Data Sheet No. EDS 8-47)

ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering this instrument, specify:
2. Measuring range
3. Output orientation (burnout direction) when abnormality is occurred in the transmitter.
Hold / Overscale / Underscale.
Unless otherwise specifi ed, output hold function is supplied.
4. Indication method (indicated value and unit) in case of the actual scale (code D, H, P, S, 2, 5 on 9th digit).
5. TAG No. (up to 14 alphanumerical characters), if required.
Số 89 hẻm 249 Tân Kỳ Tân Quý, P.Tân Sơn Nhì, Q.Tân Phú, HCMC
Tel: 08-3813 4681/Fax: 08-3813 4680
Hotline: 0908 507 021/ 0909 951 237 | Email:
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